Automatic Elevators
Automatic elevators provide simplicity and convenience in terms of usage with their comfort and safety.

Today building firms prefers using auto elevators rather than semiautomatic elevators in their projects. Additionally they tender visual value and comfort for their users by using auto elevators.
There are panels which may be opened to sides as being on left, right or center on the door of elevator cabin inside the cabin and on the landing doors. These panels move automatically. When the elevator cabin arrives the requested floor, the elevator doors open automatically, and before moving again they close automatically.
The person who uses the elevator presses the calling button on the floor where he is on. As the elevator arrives the concerned floor the doors opens automatically and after the user goes into the elevator cabin the doors closes automatically in a short time. User presses the button of the floor he wants to go up or down. In a little while the elevator moves automatically. Then it keeps the lights of the buttons that have been pressed before to notify the passengers which floors it will stop. Before elevator arrives the requested floor it begins to slow down automatically and when its position is fit with the landing door it open its doors automatically.
When the elevator goes up or down, it also stops at floors the users who want to get in the elevator presses the buttons of the floors which are on the same direction the elevator moves. Automatically it keeps all calls in its memory to answer all of them. Thus any numbers of people may make use of elevator. If elevator is not called, elevator keeps itself closed till new call.
When it is black out, the elevator arrives closest floor by its land retrieving unit and opens doors automatically. If it senses someone through doors by its photocell, it opens its doors automatically. Therefore auto lifts have a safer usage.
Important! Auto elevators should be overhauled by periodical and general elevator maintenances that authorized elevator maintenance firms make.
Human life is more important and valuable than anything else.