Disabled Lift
Disabled lifts are designed for the people who are sick as much as being not able to ascend a stair or step up on any elevation and to make these persons pass over these obstructions easily.

Disabled lifts provides this comfort by its platform or one mechanism attached to the corner of the stairs when disabled persons go up or down. This elevator model, being known as disabled lift or stair lift, is commonly used in villas, houses and work places.
Disabled lift may be produced in sizes of requested dimensions and color in accordance with the posture of construction. The distinguishing features of disabled elevators are such as their having wider entrance, standard automatic doors, cabin and landing buttons which are at lower and horizontal position and embossed buttons etc.
They make difference among the other elevator systems by virtue of their features such as having wider entrance, standard automatic doors, cabin and landing buttons which are at lower and horizontal position and embossed buttons etc.
Important! Disabled lifts should be overhauled by periodical and general elevator maintenances that authorized elevator maintenance firms make.
Human life is more important and valuable than anything else.