Moving Walkways
When passengers want to take a break or quicken the pace, our conveyer technology keeps people safe as they move to their destination.

iwalk will fit anywhere. Its innovative design has a larger interior space for trollies and baggage but reduced outer dimensions so it can be easily integrated into existing buildings. Installation takes very little construction and it's technology ensures low energy consumption.
iwalk, from AIGTCC, will fit anywhere. It’s slim dimensions require very little construction work and its technical features ensure low energy consumption. iwalk is compact enough to be easily integrated into existing buildings.
The horizontal version of the iwalk only needs a shallow - just over a 15 inches – pit or it can even be installed on top of the existing floor. All that is then needed are two ramps, one at each end. This makes it possible for the iwalk to be installed and removed quickly to deal with temporary traffic needs or moved from one side of a building to another for renovation work.
Passengers are safer, thanks to small transitions as they enter iwalk, which greatly reduces the risk of tripping and unlike normal moving walks, this flat transition is far more convenient, when traveling with luggage trolleys, strollers or shopping carts.
As well as significantly more compact and flexible than conventional systems, iwalk features technology that can monitor how many people it is carrying and adjust power usage accordingly.